January 26, 2009

DoTA 6.58b Ai Plus Ver. 1.52 Rev 1


Rev. 01
-First update to 6.58b
-Fixed some tooltip typos for Fun Tavern heroes
-Updated Venomancer's AI to properly use Venomous Gale
-Updated Vengeful Spirit's AI to properly use Wave of Terror
-Rewrote Overload to prevent crashes with AI
-Prevented AI from picking Storm Spirit and Undying and added warning message when AI randoms either hero
-Removed some dead code (mostly for old item system)
-Fixed a bug with Ogre Magi and Aghanim's Scepter

*Formless fixes
-Updated Formless's spell array to include Conjurer's, Storm Spirit's, and Undying's spells
-Slightly changed Formless's spell stealing routine with Aghanim's to prevent a bug
-Slightly changed Formless's Reset mechanism with Strygwyr's Thirst to prevent a timing issue that could give you vision of a unit even after forgetting the ability

*Unofficial fixes
-Fixed Last Word to trigger on end of spell cast (instead of end of spell cast animation)
-Cleaned up the way Refraction buff icons appear to provide better feedback on when the buffs are actually active
-Fixed some typos (Storm Seeker, Eye of Skadi Ranged, Windrunner, Captain CoCo's Rum, Recall, Courier Shield, Burst)